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- 아시아-태평양 경추연구회 (CSRS-AP) Active member
- 2022
- 1) OFF-Label usage of RhBMP-2 in Posterior Cervical Fusion is Not Associated with Early Increased Complication Rate and Has Similar Clinical Outcomes: Douglas S. Weinberg. Eoh JH, John M. Rhee. Spine Joural. 2022 Feb 15
- 2018
- Suh BG, Eoh JH, Shin JH. Clin Orthop Surg. Clinical and Imaging Features of Longus Colli Calcific Tendinitis: An Analysis of Ten Cases. 2018
- 2017
- Lee GW, Ahn MW, Shin JH, Park JW, Eoh JH, Park JH, Lee JH, Kim DW, Yeom JS, Suh BG.Asian Spine J. A Sternum-Disk Distance Method to Identify the Skin Level for Approaching a Surgical Segment without Fluoroscopy Guidance during Anterior Cervical Discectomy And Fusion. 2017
- 2016
- Lee GW, Kim HJ, Yeom JS, Eoh JH, Park JH, Lee JH, Kim DW, Suh BG. Asian Spine J. Feasibility Study of Free-Hand Technique for Pedicle Screw Insertion at C7 without Fluoroscopy-Guidance. 2016
- 2015
- 1) Suh BG, Eoh JH, Park SH, Lee GW. Asian Spine J. Repair using conventional implant for ruptured annulus fibrosus after lumbar discectomy: surgical technique and case series. 2015
- 2) Chung JY, Park JB, Chang H, Song KJ, Kim JH, Hong CH, Lee JS, Lee SH, Song KS, Yang JJ, Eoh JH, Kim YT, Lee JM. Asian Spine J. Prognostic Factors for Postsurgical Recovery of Deltoid Palsy due to Cervical Disc Herniations. 2015
- 3) Jae-Yoon Chung, Jong-Beom Park, Han Chang, Kyung-Jin Song, Jin-Hyok Kim, Chang- Haw Hong,ng Sub Lee, Sang-Hun Lee, Kwang-Sup SongJae Jun Yang, Jae-Hyung Uh, Young-Tae Kim, Jae Min Lee. Prognostic Factors for Postsurgical Recovery of Deltoid Palsy due to Cervical Disc Herniations. ASIAN SPINE JOURNAL
- 2012
- Bae DK, Song SJ, Park MJ, Eoh JH, Song JH, Park CH, J Arthroplasty. Twenty-year survival analysis in total knee arthoplasty by a single surgeon. 2012
- 2010
- 1) Lee JH, Kim KT, Suk KS,Lee SH, Jeong, BO, Kim, JS, Eoh JH, Kim YJ, Spine (Phila Pa 1976). Analysis of Spinopelvic Parameters in Lumbar Degenerative Kyphosis: Correlation With Spinal Stenosis and Spondylolisthesis. 2010
- 2) Suk KS, Kim KT, Lee JH, Lee SH, Kim JS, Eoh JH, Spine (Phila Pa 1976). Stage 4 Compressive-Extension Injury of the Cervical Spine: A Theoretical Stage?. 2010
- 2009
- Suk KS,Kim KT, Lee JH, Lee SH, Kim JS, Eoh JH, J KOR Orthop. The Surgical Treatment of the Cervical Myelopathy with Laminectomy and Posterior Fusion by using Lateral Mass Screw Fixation. 2009
- 2008
- 1) Kim JS, Kim KT, Suk KS, Lee JH, Lee SH, Eoh JH, J Kor Soc Spine Surg. Fusion of Pedicular Cleft Using Pedicle Screw Fixation - A Case Report. 2008
- 2) Lee JH, Kim KT, Suk KS, Lee SH, Hwang DW, Kim JS, Shin JH, Hong WS, Eoh JH, J KOR Orthop. Posterior Surgery of Neurologically Compromised Osteoporotic Kyphosis - Posterolateral Decompression and Stabilization using Titanium Mesh. 2008